Sunday, July 15, 2012

Here’s to blogging - just because!

Let’s try this blog bit one more time…

I’m back, for no particular reason, and it feels great! Let me explain…  A pained perfectionist to the core, I have a debilitating tendency to NOT do anything until or unless I feel 100% confident in it. This is what has kept me from blogging (and accomplishing many other items on my bucket list, but we’ll save that self analysis for another day), despite my love for writing, for all these years…

Here I am, on the wrong side of 29 years old and still a mere infant here on the blogosphere. It’s not like blogging never crossed my mind – it has many times over the years, demonstrated by the dozens of unrealized blog ideas wasting away on a list buried somewhere in My Documents  – but I always wanted my blog to have a unique and meaningful theme. I wanted my blog to contribute something to the world, or at least make its own tiny mark on pop culture.
Me in pink among the pink flora at the Bablyon Park Rose Garden in San Diego, May 2012 :)
A true “light bulb” idea never struck me, but I was still stuck on the idea of having a theme. I decided to go with something lighthearted and fun, and very… well… ME. So last year, I finally started a blog – “Glimmer in Pink,” a playful tribute to my favorite girly things in the girliest of hues – but abandoned it after only a couple months. I was going through some stressful life events at the time, and constantly searching for pink stuff to write about became trivial to me, not to mention exhausting!

A return to blogging has been on the tip of my typing fingers for quite some time now, but to give myself a better chance of success I’ve decided to do a little rebranding and let loose on the theme. As of today, “Glimmer in Pink” is now “Practical and Pink” – which is actually a good way to describe me: down-to-earth most of the time, but a girly girl all of the time. A bargain hunter and glamazon rolled into one.

On this blog, you’ll find posts about life with my fiancé, Dustin, and random musings about becoming a real grownup – along with my opinions on fashion, beauty, health, and saving money. Probably nothing groundbreaking, but hopefully something relatable.

Most importantly, today I begin blogging again with a new attitude – So what? So what if my blog doesn’t change the world? So what if there are already tons of personal blogs out there?  I’m just here to be me. That’s all! If you find my posts amusing, that’s awesome. If not, no big deal – this blog is really for me!

So... welcome, and happy reading!

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